"When you can do common things of life in

an uncommon way, you will command the

attention of the world."

(George Washington Carver)

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

(Albert Einstein)

"Balance is about being flexible and focused on challenges

to find solid ground for the next step. "

(Judit Subert Haala)


Who We Are

We are professionals who are willing to share our joy with people from all walks of life. We follow the teachings of the Catholic Church in all areas of everyday life.

We believe, as children of God, one can find the best decision in unexpected challenges or sorrows.

This can be achieved by seeking a balance between our professional work, family life, and free time.  In a world that is often distracted from the elemental priorities, to foster joy one must clearly see the importance inter personal relationships on every level.

Our Mission

Through our Meet Ups, Talks, Hike & Seek® and Sporting Events we encourage people to let God fill the holes in their lives.

Guidance with people who are willing help you to grow in faith through honest, practical professional advice is offered.

Our vision is to see more people living happy and faithful lives with confidence in God’s guidance.

Meet the Owner

Judit Subert Haala, B.E., M.Ed.

Thank you for taking a minute to visit my site.

Counseling is my passion. During my 26+ years of experience I have learned that finding balance in areas of our life can enable us to reach our goals with confidence and success.

My success is rooted in God's grace and in my family. I have been happily married with four children for 27 years.

My oldest son, who has a very rare disease (Lesh-Nyhan Syndrome), was invited to participate in an experimental study at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. After he was diagnosed, I found myself in a situation where I needed flexibility, hope and perseverance to find my place in my family and in my profession.

Most importantly, I felt motivated to cope with our everyday struggles with inner peace and joy.

Finding this peace encouraged me to rededicate my counseling passion. I chose to help people from all walks of life to develop new skills to face their own struggles.

I welcome the opportunity to work with you to find the best solution in your current situation and to develop your self-confidence to take a leap of faith towards your joyful future.

 Where there's a will there's a way.

More about Judit

Judit has over 26 years of teaching and counseling expertise in the areas of

child development, adolescent, parenting and care of the elderly. Judit was

Dean of Students and Dean of Teachers at Saint Philip Neri Elementary and Middle School, Budapest. She worked as a project manager for The Manchester International Language School and in Comenius program, the European Union educational project.

For six years she was a manager at The Pontificial Association of the Holy Childhood (Missionary Childhood Association) in Hungary. With this Association she encouraged children to help students in India, Kenya, Transylvania and in Hungary. Judit had many years of broadcasting experience at Radio Maria. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education from the Teacher Training College, Budapest and a Master's Degree in the same field from the University of Miskolc, Hungary. Currently she works for Life Matters Company.

Judit is a founder of a charity foundation, "Sorsforduló" (Changing Destiny)

and she is the CEO of Brickpower, LLC., a creative education and engineering company.